Monday, September 13

thwarted plans

When Josh and I met we were both lapsed vegetarians. Each of us had spent over a decade away from carnivorous eating, although she'd picked back up with meat a few years prior. I was only beginning to dabble in the occasional pizza with meaty toppings, or maybe some Pad Se Ew with chicken. For the most part, I was still happily subsisting without meat. Because, let's face it, a lot of meat-based meals out there just aren't that good, especially once you've lost your taste for meat.

Dating and then moving in with someone who can cook meat really well changed that. Josh introduced me to the wonders that are green chile stew, spicy sausage and greens pasta...and re-introduced me to meat-filled deli sandwiches and BLTs. I quickly developed what I began to think of as a meat-problem: I was eating meat at every meal some days, craving meat, thinking about how to cook with meat. I decided that I had to try to regain some sense of moderation.

I would eat less meat, and try to focus on "happy" meat that enjoyed a good life while it was alive. I'm sure you already know how much more (way more) that happy meat costs. It seems worth it: I get better tasting meat that also registers a small economic vote against the scary industrio-farmed-futuristic meat products that abound. And since I can't afford this meat all the time, I tend to eat vegetarian a bit more often than I otherwise might.

For instance, yesterday I packed a wholesome veggie lunch to take with me to work...but I had nowhere near enough willpower to resist the siren song of Ben's BBQ when one of my coworkers offered to run out for sandwiches. They are simple sandwiches, not fancy, but oh so satisfying. Clearly, the vegetarian lunch had no chance. Perhaps I need to focus on some enticing veggi sandwich plans soon.

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