Tuesday, September 28


Did you know that the mild form of frostbite is called frostnip? I know this because I suffered a bit of frostnip on my left index finger in an incident involving ice cream, a sleeping baby, and a crowded kitchen on Nacho Night at my friend Sarah's house.

It's complicated, but basically I was serving up my first experiment from our new ice cream maker (roasted hazelnut/vanilla bean with a whiskey caramel swirl—yeah!) and due to an odd-shaped scoop, was using my finger to coax the ice cream out of said scoop and into bowls. I wasn't able to immediately access the sink, so the ice cream stayed on my finger for a few minutes while I served. For the next 3 days, there was pain/burning and a dark spot on my fingertip. It's OK now, but still sensitive to temperature. Seriously. The hazards of owning an ice cream maker are revealing themselves...

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