Sunday, January 2

My tiny little annual gift to womanhood

Ye olde Femstrual Calendar for 2011.

Use it to keep track of your (or your roommate's, or your girlfriend's...) period. it's fun, and VERY useful. Also, it's fascinating to look back over the year and see your bloody pattern.

Print it out and mark the day you start to bleed. If your period is regular, your next period will start on the day directly below your last. If your cycle is shorter than 28 days, you'll get a diagonal line to the left, and if it's longer, you'll get a diagonal line to the right. If your cycle is not regular, you'll get dots all over the place.

Try these exciting variations:
  • make a line that shows how many days your period lasts!
  • track 2+ girls on 1 calendar using differently-colored pens!
  • at the end of the year, connect the dots and read your fortune for the upcoming year!


1 comment:

  1. You KNOW how much I appreciate the Femstrual Calendar!
    Thank you, Josh! I'm loving your blog.
